Sanitation is a public good, and can only be deployed safely and affordably with strong and enabling government. CBS is no exception.

Our 2024-27 strategy increases our focus on mainstreaming CBS and we will increase our work on the systems that will enable CBS: regulations, standards, procurement and incentives.
Our strategic priorities

Find out more about what we do to make this happen.
The problems we are working to solve
We think CBS has the potential to provide safe sanitation in contexts where few other options are available and where the need is the greatest. These are the main obstacles:
- Limited awareness: CBS is not yet considered as part of the standard menu of sanitation options for LMIC governments.
- Limited investment: The funding gap and lack of public funding for CBS is a key barrier to scale and acceptance.
- Perception as niche: Bringing CBS providers to scale will bring legitimacy to CBS.
How we think CBS will be adopted

Download our 2024-27 strategy for more detail.