The CBSA was very active during the AfricaSan/FSM5 conference in Cape Town.
Sessions included:
- Container based systems and capacity building: FSM5 session focused on examples of how CBS solutions have successfully been integrated into municipalities planning and operations. The CBSA, Sanivation and Loowatt presented their work and the World Bank launched their new report on CBS.
- Private sector dialogue: promoting the enabling environment for Non-Sewered Sanitation: AMCOW, CBSA, PASA and WSSCC dialogue on how to strengthen the enabling environment for private sector to contribute to the Ngor Commitments: through financing, regulation, research and CWIS. The outcomes were included in the conference statement.
- Accelerating sanitation access through mobile IT: lessons from using data to develop sanitation markets, products and services (GSMA and CBSA): The session shared practical experiences of how mobile data and web tools can be harnessed to improve and monitor services for the marginalized and unserved.
- Achieving urban equality workshop: the potential of CBS for realising the human right to sanitation in urban settings. WSSCC, eThekwini Water & Sanitation and CBSA members day-long workshop and expo focused on understanding the opportunities and the challenges of achieving citywide inclusive sanitation.