As part of its suite of tools to support World Bank teams and their clients to engage in citywide inclusive sanitation (CWIS), the World Bank Water Global Practice (WGP) has published the study, Evaluating the Potential for Container-Based Sanitation.
The study assesses existing CBS approaches, with a particular focus on evaluating their safety, reliability, affordability and financial viability. The report also looks at the circumstances in which CBS approaches works best. The study was motivated by growing interest in emerging CBS experiences and by the fact that many governments, city authorities and financing entities are often not familiar with the approach.
The study builds on four case studies (Sanergy, Nairobi, Kenya; Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods, Cap-Haitien, Haiti; Clean Team, Kumasi, Ghana; and x-runner, Lima, Peru) to provide insights.
Emphasizing CBS’ affordability, safety and resilience to climate variations, the study concludes that CBS should be considered as part of city-wide inclusive sanitation options and lays out important lessons for governments and external funders.
Download the report from the World Bank website and the case studies: SOIL in Cap-Haitien, Haiti; Sanergy in Nairobi, Kenya; x-runner in Lima, Peru; or Clean Team in Kumasi, Ghana