CBSA at LatinoSan
With support from WSSCC, CBSA members SOIL (Haiti) and x-runner (Peru) attended LatinoSan in Costa Rica with colleagues from the Haitian government.
With support from WSSCC, CBSA members SOIL (Haiti) and x-runner (Peru) attended LatinoSan in Costa Rica with colleagues from the Haitian government.
In a fantastic feat for the Alliance, the JMP has formally recognized CBS as a type of improved sanitation, endorsing it as a safely managed sanitation service under the Sustainable Development Goals and providing legitimacy at the highest level.
The World Bank Water Global Practice (WGP)’s new study, ‘Evaluating the Potential for Container-Based Sanitation’, assesses existing CBS approaches, concluding that CBS should be considered as part of city-wide inclusive sanitation options.
The CBSA was very active during the AfricaSan/FSM5 conference in Cape Town.
WHO newly revised Guidelines on sanitation and health now include CBS services as part of the portfolio of options for ensuring full-chain, safely managed sanitation.
CBSA’s new analysis provides key insights of CBS cost drivers and paths to financial sustainability in scaling up services.
We are delighted to announce that the CBSA is one of 19 grantees of the latest GSMA Mobile for Development Utilities Innovation Fund.